Cheers to Pomegranate !!!

Hi Chuggers! I am dedicating this entire post to the lovely fruit : The Pomegranate! And I’m going to squeeze all these topics in 1 single page for your easy reading… You’re welcome 😉 How to remove Pomegranate seeds How to juice a Pomegranate A Pomegranate Green Smoothie Recipe Pomegranates are one of the the best…

Hangover Cure in a Green Smoothie

Hi Chuggers ! Other than feasting during holidays, have you been staying out late, partying and drinking lots of booze? Don’t you hate the horrible headache or nausea feeling that you get, once you wake up the next morning? This detox smoothie is created specially for you party-goers out there and hopefully, this will help…

What are Chia Seeds ?

Some of my friends were asking me about Chia Seeds and what’s the hype about it. I found out about Chia Seeds a few years back and since then, I have occasionally been adding them into my oatmeal. But I didn’t know what else I could do with them… It was only recently, when I…

Kale in Singapore…

…is not commonly available and it is slightly more expensive than other vegetables (e.g. Spinach, Lettuce) for the same amount (not sure is it because I can only find organic Kale) I always read that Kale is a great option for green smoothies. So I made an effort to look for it and I found…