Intermediate Inspiration

Hi Chuggers,

I hope you enjoyed Beginner Bliss. Admittedly, it is a really simple recipe but I hope it helped you to feel less intimidated about drinking greens.

So I guess it is time to step up the game and introduce you to this green smoothie with more ingredients and it will taste even more amazinggg!


3 heads x Cos Lettuce

1 cup x Red Seedless Grapes

2 x Bananas

2 x Avocados

1 x Lemon (juiced)

1 handful x Wheatgrass (juiced)

Serves about 4-5 cups

I used to cut the Wheatgrass into tiny pieces and blend them straight into my green smoothies. But recently, I read that our bodies would not be able to digest and absorb all the nutrients with this method.

So, you should juice the wheatgrass beforehand to get the most out of it and add the wheatgrass shot into your blender along with the other ingredients. I don’t have a juicer, so the best I can do is to blend it with water first and then strain it. Alternatively, you can buy Wheatgrass powder off the shelves.

For a final touch, I topped my green smoothie with a teaspoon of Ground Flaxseeds. Flaxseeds are high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as phytochemicals called lignans. I like that it adds a nutty flavour to my green smoothies. If you only have whole flaxseeds in your kitchen, you can grind them with a coffee grinder or food processor before adding them to your blends. Also, if you love baking, add them to your muffins, breads or cookies!

For more nutrional benefits on Flaxseeds, you can read here.

Although there are more ingredients added this time round, this recipe will still be suitable for beginners. The bananas will mask the veggie taste so you will get a sweet, tasty and filling drink.


Hope you enjoy this post and do let me know if you like this recipe 🙂

Til then,

Chug it !

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