Green Chugger Challenge

Hi Chuggers and Not-Yet-Converted-Chuggers,

I know that there are many of you out there who HATE to eat vegetables. When I mean hate, I mean you would pick out all the sprouts from your bowl of Pho and remove all the peas from your plate of fried rice. You know you do that… πŸ™‚

Don’t worry! No judging here! Everyone has their own food preferences. Problem is… you do know it is important to include vegetables in your diet and you are probably aware that you are missing out on a large portion of nutrients… But shoving a bowl of Gorgeous Greek Salad in front of you just don’t work – even if it’s made by Jamie Oliver…

Well, there is another group of vegetable haters who starts screaming with frailing arms even when you meticulously diced the carrots, broccoli and discreetly hid them in their bowls of porridge : The Kids

I have seen numerous parents trying to force feed their kids with vegetables and gave up eventually… I am not sure if it’s because vegetables taste disgusting to them or because they don’t like the colour GreenΒ ? Can you help me ask the little ones? πŸ™‚

Anyway… this brings me to my next point…

Have you thought of blending a Green smoothie for yourself or the kids? The fruits would mask the veggie taste beautifully and turn the blend into a delicious drink (unless… you don’t take fruits too :/ ). If you don’t know where to start, I have a number of recipes on my blog and there are plenty on the Internet that you can refer to…

I would especially like to give a shoutout to The Raw Food Mum who has been blending Green Smoothies for her daughter. She has lots of useful information on her Website and Facebook page that you might be interested in. Her lovely girl started drinking greens at 7 months! You can read her experiences and recipes for babies here :

So, if you have family members / partners / friends who are vegetable haters, and they want to throw up at the sight of your salad bowl or stir-fried Kai Lan, don’t force them to eat their vegetables anymore… Instead… get them to Chug their Greens!

Stop chasing your kids around in public with that bowl of baby food with mashed vegetables mixed in! Get your kids involved in the blending process. Let them choose the fruits they like for their Green Smoothies (Strawberries or blueberries are usually children’s favourites). Whether you want to ‘stealthily’ blend the vegetables in later or do it with them, I guess it really depends on their aversion towards greens? But if possible, let them know what goes into their drinks and get them to enjoy the process!

Drink your Green Smoothies together with them! Kids look up to you as a role model and want to learn from you all the time. You will be surprised how much they love Green Smoothies and the other mums will soon be Green with envy (saw what I did there? πŸ˜† )

Now… The Green Chugger Challenge!

If you are a vegetable-hater…

Blend a Green smoothie for yourself!

If you are a Chugger and want to spread this mission…

Blend a Green smoothie for someone who seldom eats / dislikes / hates vegetables!

If you want your kids to take their Greens…

Blend a Green smoothie for your kid !

Let me know how it goes! You can blog about it and tag it with “Green Chugger Challenge”, or simply comment below on how you got a vegetable hater to drink a Green Smoothie…

Or… you can post it on your Instagram / Twitter, hashtag it #GreenChuggerChallenge πŸ™‚

I look forward to reading all your posts and I will be starting this challenge too!


P.S. I have one successful case which I will be posting soon πŸ™‚

Til then,
Chug It !

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